Leave it to James Dolan to wait till the period of the summer where nothing usually goes on to drop the bomb on the entire Knick community. Seriously, what is really going on with this Dolan and Isiah man crush??? All of these reporters have been quoting sources this entire off-season but nobody has heard a peep as to why Isiah of all people is back in the fold? Make no mistakes, Isiah back as a "consultant" means a whole lot. I mean every team has guys that are granted access to the team just to give their two cents because someone admires them. Isiah took the pretardation status of the Scott Layden era and developed it into something you see on the Maury Povich show. Total embarrassment and shame. That's what Isiah managed to bring to the franchise. Now his moves weren't all bad but every single move he made, outside of drafting David Lee, all became a worst case scenerio. That was the issue. So why even entertain this man again? Why did it have to be announced and made official? What was the motivation? What is the damn point?

The Knicks off-season up until this point has been probably one of the best this franchise has seen. Donnie Walsh has built a beautiful roster of young and exciting players. The recent buzz amongst the fans was whether or not there will be a trade after the signing of Roger Mason Jr. That's all out the window now. Now there is speculation and the "sources" are talking about drama behind the scenes. Is this professional sport or a daytime soap opera? To quote the rapper Too $hort, "It was all good just a week ago!" This is what I can't understand. Why drop this burden onto the fans. Alot of fans are talking about dumping the team if Isiah becomes GM somewhere down the line. I've spoken to some that flat out jumped ship already after this consulting announcement was made. My question is: What did the Knicks fans do to deserve this? Can't we have a period in the Dolan era where there isn't some wacky event or freak accident that totally destroys any hope that dwells amongst the Knicks Purists?
I urge you diehards out there to let this announcement fall by the waist side. Ignore the propaganda in the papers about Donnie resigning, or other rumblings. Alot of these papers have agendas because they think the readers want to read slander. Remember when we used to bleed orange and blue? The only drama we read about back in the glory days of the Ewing era was drama on the court. Nobody cared about the Dave Checketts/Riley beef. Nobody cared about the Don Nelson mutiny. What fans cared about was the drama that appeared on the court. The Knicks were bringing that drama to opposing teams. This current roster Donnie Walsh has assembled seems to have an identity that will bring that competition back to the Garden. I know its all on paper now, but Miami is already the paper champion for the 2010/11 season. Why can't our fans have a little fun. It was like Chrismas morning last week. Now the feeling is more like the tuesday morning after memorial/labor day weekend. Back to the same old garbage.
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