Peace Brother Bron. What's good? How's everything? Shoulder? Oh ight that's good to hear. The kids? Nice man...yeah time flies. My little guy is something else too, he's a comedian...yeah. What's in the bag kid? Ight no doubt just checking to see if I need to go get my bag, nah mean? Yeah well have a seat my dude.
I got a couple of DVD's and stuff about the city...well actually I HAD some DVD's...I gave them to this crackhead in the parking lot in exchange for him watching my car. You don't need to see them anyway...sheeet man you been to NYC before right? You seen Brooklyn's Finest right? The Warrior's? Sex in the City? Yeah yeah...same shit bro. I kid but I don't have to sell you on the city right? See that's what I'm saying.

Well seriously, we want you in orange and blue next year..."Thank you captain obvious" Hahahaaaaaa yeah but listen dude...you averaged 27pts, 7 rebounds and 7 assists for your career. I think you looked great and made it look easy but you have been seriously overworked. In the playoffs, teams have just been sending 3-4 defenders at you at all times and you are dead tired by the conference finals. I wanna put the ball in your hands as the chief ball handler. Sounds like I'm giving you even more work but what we wanna do is cut the middle man. You running the point automatically screws up anything the defense had in mind because you are getting the ball first off the inbound. So there is no ball denial or worrying about a double team as soon as you get it. You would be the orchestrator in the pick and roll. You'd also would have the freedom to call plays and direct traffic...freelance and take the shot anytime you got it. Pretty much what you've always been doing. Thing is you will have full reign over the options we plan to give you. First off we have Danillo Galinari...Kid can shoot the lights out and can put the ball on the floor when he puts his mind to it. He's a fine passer too so you could find yourself catching some back doors and alley oops off the give and go with this kid. So its either a three point shot or the kid could find you open when you give it up. We've already spoke to Mike Miller as well and you already know that brother can knock it down from 3. He'd be your backcourt mate. Both guys will end up stretching the floor out for you to do your thing. Mike Miller has experience running the point as well so dude could very well spell you and let you take breaks every few possessions.

We'd like to give you a finisher inside and our boy Amare sound's like he's down with it if you come aboard. We like to run a pick and roll set and I dunno a defense out there that could stop either one of you guys in that scenario....they double the roller and you tear down the rim. They double you and Amare tears down the rim. Simple mathematics King. As I said before...Gallo and Miller will make teams pay if they fall asleep watching the Lebron and Amare show. We'll still have Wilson Chandler around for the time being. Not really sure if he can be moved to square up more talent. Regardless the dude could finally play the 3 spot and fill in slashing lanes. He'd also end up guarding guys you would have been guarding.

That's all we got Brother Bron. We still plan to move Curry...it's possible we could pawn him over to Minnesota for Al Jefferson, or wait and see if another player comes available like your boy Carmelo Anthony. You tell me Brony. We got your shooters in Gallo, Miller and sometimes Wilson...We got your finishers in Amare and possibly Al Jefferson. Oh baby don't forget Bill Walker bro. You're gonna like him. Kid gets up big time and he showed a great feel for the game. He'd be another finisher for you. Toney Douglas is another guy that can knock down the three and push the ball.
Ight man so let's just lay it out:
4: Amare Stoudamire
3: Gallo
5: Al Jefferson
2: Mike Miller
1: Lebron James
Bench: Wilson, Walker, Toney
We would also have our 3 2nd round picks signed and room for 4 minimum vets for leadership/locker room presence.
Ball is in your court Bron. Amare and Al are in our back pocket. Miller is down if you are. I know you have other meetings...just hit us back asap cuz we wanna get this plan poppin the sooner the better.
Great meeting up son. Peace Bron...one love.

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