Former Knick and I wanna say former New Yorker Mark Jackson proclaimed that he was proud of the way Lebron James handled this situation. He stated that he sat down with his kids to show them an example of sacrifice, and class. No way was this handled with any class. No way is this something I would use as a positive lesson to my kids on how to handle themselves in any situation. No way as a competitor...no way as a New Yorker should anyone proclaim that this fiasco was in anyway "OK".
Make no mistake about it. This was not a "Decision" by Lebron James alone. This was something that has been planned ever since they became friends. Ever since they signed their contracts a few years ago to all finish in 2010 they knew what they wanted to do. They were going to handcuff the league into making space for all 3 of them to play on the same team. We are all victims here. It's sad to hear the reaction of the Cavs owner Dan Gilbert. He totally lost touch with this "betrayal" angle. As I explained its deeper than that. This has been a high jacking of the NBA. You can hear it in the conference call Bosh and Wade made after the "Decision". They automatically started talking that "one day it's me, one day it's him, one day it's him" nonsense. Come on now...how can we look at this with grown up common sense and not see this was something totally staged. I mean he had a "Special" broadcast on ESPN to announce this like he's Barack Obama announcing the Wall Street reform.

The angle the news outlets are shooting at us is he game up money, stats, and notoriety for a chance at winning a title. Going back to Mark Jackson, the word "Sacrifice" is coming into play. No sacrifice here. The only sacrifice made was the energy and attention placed on this whole fiasco. It's almost sacrilegious how people were carrying on. At the end of the day that's what these super ego "superstars" crave. They want to be adored. They get power from manipulating the masses to lose themselves in an effort to please them. Like Pharaoh's in Egypt and moguls of today. Let THIS be a lesson to all. Don't let your appreciation or admiration for an entertainment figure corrupt you to the point where you lose yourself in the spell of their narcissism.

Before you jump down my throat, teams had to put themselves in a position to sign 1 or 2 of these guys. We'll talk about the Knicks since that is my blogs primary focus. The Knicks put all their eggs in the 2010 basket because they had no choice. After being in salary cap hell ever since Patrick Ewing was traded for the bums he was traded for almost a decade ago, they had to try. Scott Layden should have a permanent handicap sticker in his car window for what he did to the Knicks. Isiah tried at least to get the big names. Too bad he didn't think to evaluate who he brought over or what came out of his mouth. Donnie was brought in to press ctrl+alt+del on the Knicks franchise. In that respect, he succeeded. He also succeeded in attracting a talent that legitimately wanted to play in New York in Amare Stoudamire. If Lebron signed with the Knicks would their be an uproar. Probably, but more like an NBA conspiracy to get the Knicks back on top. What happened with this "Lebronathon" is 3 guys getting together and trying to handicap the league for an opportunity to legitimize their need to be adored.

Howard Beck of the NY Times tweeted last night: "OK, just one question: How many of you would honestly object if those three guys just got signed by your team?"
Knick Great Clyde Frazier said it politely but clearly angered: "He(Lebron)took the easy way out"
That's old school. That's a competitor. That's the NY way. Who did you beat to get to the top? As I said in my last blog...if they win multiple championships together, when they talk about it years later, what satisfaction will they have in saying they beat nobody to get their rings. Fans say automatically, "Well there's Kobe in the West...". So we are just supposed to follow a 2 team league. Why even play the season? Wade said himself tonight "a championship is a championship". It doesn't work that way. Simply having the hardware means nothing. Sheeet Greg Kite has a few rings. In his case, they mean absolutely nothing to anyone, not even his family and friends. The greats know who they beat and they still talk about it and us fans can agree cuz we saw it with our own eyes. That's respect that is due. That's why there are Legends and then there are Posers. No way would Barkley in his prime leave The Suns or Philly to play with Micheal Jordan. Jordan himself had a shot at playing with Ewing in NY. Reggie and Gary Payton also had that opportunity at the peak of their careers. As competitors they didn't even think about it.
This is where I stand on this whole fiasco. I stand by it and to quote Forrest Gump "That's all I have to say about that".

*drops the mic*

FUCK, FUCK, FUCK EM..... how is a man a man when faced with adversity he runs and gets boys to help him out. When he should stand there and do it on his own. He has been PARADING arounf NY for the past 2 years. Playing in ebc games in the summer, throwin up diamonds with Jay Z, to leave us with the false notion that he was coming here..... FUCK EM WIT A RUE PAUL DICK IN THE MIDDLE OF TIME SQUARE.