Something big happened in knickland. I guess its time for another blog. After almost coming to the brink of doomsday, Linsanity rose from the Ashes like a Phoenix to save the season. The drama thickened as a injured Carmelo Anthony lurked on the bench through our 7 game winning streak. When he came back they still won a little...then came a 6 game losing streak lead by Carmelo acting like the Grinch that stole Christmas. There's quotes in your favorite paper where he denies being a "coach killer". At the same time he talks about getting back to letting the scorers dictate the game. Now, I'm not retarded by any stretch. I'm hoping my readers aren't punch drunk either and just taking his word for it. Carmelo says its "not fair" to talk bad about him. At the same time please buy his Jerseys and hang his posters up in your kids rooms. Don't forget to buy his sneakers and his cell phone too. Remember you have to understand....its a business.
In the end of it all, this is a superstars league. The ownership do not dictate what happens on the floor. The players are not the same group we all grew up watching. There is no loyalty. There is no honor. What rests in its place is alot of ego, alot of drama and alot of bullshit. The day the knicks traded the farm for Carmelo they should have fired Mike D'antoni. It was a joke to think Carmelo would play the team game and sacrifice for the sake of winning. No he is not good enough to be coached. No he doesn't want to fit in to a team concept. He is the team. I am not a D'antoni guy. I saw him as stubborn, yet too friendly with his players. He was too loyal and too old school. Its a new day.
This is the age of the AAU camps/tournaments. You do not coach any more. You get God gifted talent and you put their friends around them and you shower them with gifts. In the AAU circuit, you give them free sneakers, pay their parents bills, and give them pocket money to buy new gear and tattoos. As a pro, you give them max money and endorsements. They ride that train until they become Allen Iverson. Staying on topic, this is what we all have created. We can't get upset when Melo comes in and hijacks our team. You can't get mad when losing games on purpose so you can get your way is more important than playing to win. That is very fair. After all its a business that we all created.
Now what do we do now? We watched Lebron James hijack the league with his espn special announcing that he was taking guys talents to South beach. This season we had to hear all the drama surrounding Dwight Howard. Our knicks even after 10 years of disaster, we still have more room for Melodrama. What do we do? Do we forget? Do we cheer? Will winning make us forget these sucka moves because of our need to birth superstars in our society? If Melo brings us a championship do we forget this drama the same way we forgot the slap and dash he did to Marty Collins? Do we honor him the way we do warriors like Ewing, Oakley, Starks, and other guys from the 90s era? This era crowns the death of team. No more Willis Reed and Clyde.
I blog for fun. Its not really fun if the play on the court is just as embarrassing as their "basketball wives" counterparts. Don't even get me started with that. In the meantime, I will continue to teach my kid and future kids pride and humility. After all these years Charles Barkley was right. He is not a role model. His generation gave birth to this one.
Let's go knicks! Never lose focus. Win you cocky pricks!....but you will still get the side eye from this knick fan.